Monday 19 February 2018

Difference Between Yield() and Join()

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What is Yeild() in java?

When a thread executes a java.lang.Thread.yield(), the executing thread is suspended and the CPU is given to some other runnable thread. This thread will be in runnable state until the CPU becomes available again.

In other words, the executing thread is put back into the ready queue i.e in runnable state of the processor and waits for its next turn.

Yield method causes the currently executing thread object to temporarily pause and allow other threads to execute. However there is no guarantee that current thread will pause immediately.
Point to note here is, Yield is a static method of Thread class.

Yeild Example

  public class YieldExample
    public static void main(String[] args)
      Thread t1 = new Thread1();
      Thread t2 = new Thread2();

 class Thread1 extends Thread
    public void run()
      for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
       System.out.println( i + " Iteration of " + "Thread1 is yielding control to Thread2 " );
        System.out.println( i + " Iteration of " + "Thread1 is continuing after Thread2 ");

 class Thread2 extends Thread
    public void run()
      for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
       System.out.println( i + " Iteration of " + "Thread2 is yielding control to Thread1 " );
        System.out.println( i + " Iteration of " + "Thread2 is continuing after Thread1 ");


  0 Iteration of Thread1 is yielding control to Thread2
  0 Iteration of Thread2 is yielding control to Thread1
  0 Iteration of Thread1 is continuing after Thread2
  0 Iteration of Thread2 is continuing after Thread1
  1 Iteration of Thread2 is yielding control to Thread1
  1 Iteration of Thread1 is yielding control to Thread2
  1 Iteration of Thread2 is continuing after Thread1
  1 Iteration of Thread1 is continuing after Thread2
  2 Iteration of Thread2 is yielding control to Thread1
  2 Iteration of Thread2 is continuing after Thread1
  2 Iteration of Thread1 is yielding control to Thread2
  2 Iteration of Thread1 is continuing after Thread2

What is Join() in java?

java.lang.Thread class has the join() method which allows one thread to stop execution until another thread completes its execution. In other words, the currently running threads stop executing until the thread it joins with, completes its task.

Variants of join method

Join() : Current thread will wait until the joined thread is dead.
Join(long milliseconds) : Current thread will wait until the joined thread is dead or for specified milliseconds whichever is earlier.
Join (long millis, int nanos) : Current thread will wait until the joined thread is dead or for specified milliseconds + nanos whichever is earlier.

Join Example

 public class JoinExample implements Runnable
  Thread t;
  JoinExample(String threadName)
   t = Thread.currentThread();
  public void run()
    System.out.println(t.getName() + " is running...");
    System.out.println(t.getName() + " is complete...");
  public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception
   System.out.println("Main Thread started...");
   Thread t = new Thread(new JoinExample("DemoThread"));
   System.out.println("Main Thread paused...");
   // current thread i.e main thread waits for DemoThread to complete
   System.out.print("Main Thread started again...");


  Main Thread started...
  Main Thread paused...
  DemoThread is running...
  DemoThread is complete...
  Main Thread started again...


Yeild() Join()
Current thread gives chance to other threads that have equal priority in the Thread-pool. Current thread will pause execution till another thread complete its excution
Current thread goes into runnable state Current thread goes into wait state till other thread is dead
yield() is a static method of thread class Join is not a static method of thread class

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